Rp. 700.000
Bioglass Mini with Embossed MCI Logo is Here! Bioglass Mini is the compact version of Bioglass, specially designed to deliver maximum benefits in a practical size. Featuring an elegant embossed logo, Bioglass Mini is here to stay closer to you anytime and anywhere. Its small and lightweight design makes it easy to carry, allowing you to enjoy its benefits without limits. Not only is Bioglass Mini practical, but it’s also effective in helping the body stay fresh and energized. This product is designed to maintain energy balance within the body, support vitality, and provide lasting comfort throughout the day. Make Bioglass Mini a part of your healthy lifestyle to stay energized for all your activities!
Product Detail
Round in shape and between 3.5 cm in diameter.
How To Use
Soak in water for about 1 hour or so. You can also put it in a drink bottle or gallon.

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